

FREDERICKSBURG, 1758George Washington, son of Augustine and Mary Ball Washington, has been elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses while serving with the British regulars at Fort Cumberland. His friends urged him to return to Virginia and "show his face," fearing that he would lose the election. But he chose to stay with his men, and was still successful in winning a seat in the House.
VALLEY FORGE, 1777-1778General Washington struggles to keep his troops alive and well in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, this winter. Inadequate shipments of food, clothing, and supplies have left the regiments in shambles. Poor hygiene and serious disease threaten the lives of all the soldiers camped there. General Washington has appealed for more supplies, but has not been successful. In the meantime, General Washington struggles alongside his men, while his political enemies threaten to remove his power. Some critics feel that others are better suited to lead the Continental army.
YORKTOWN, 1781After losing two children in infancy and her daughter Patsy to epilepsy, Martha Washington lost her last child to camp fever. John Parke Custis, known as Jacky to family and friends, passed away on November 5 at Yorktown. This happened just seventeen days after the surrender of Britain's General Cornwallis. Jacky leaves behind a wife and four children. General and Mrs. Washington will raise the younger two children, Eleanor Nelly Custis and George Washington Parke Custis, at Mount Vernon, their home in Virginia.
NEW YORK, 1789 (AP)After months of debate to establish our new American government, the first official election was held on February 4, 1789. George Washington received all 69 electoral votes! Washington, who will be inaugurated on April 30 of this year, accepted the presidency, even though he wished to return to his estate at Mount Vernon and retire. I was summoned by my country, said Washington. He and his wife Martha will soon move to the country's capital, New York City.
PHILADELPHIA, 1793 (AP)President George Washington has won his second election to the presidency of the United States! The inauguration will take place on March 4 in Philadelphia, the new capital of the United States. However, Washington is doubtful about being the President again. He wrote to his friend Henry Lee that it was after a long and painful conflict in my own breast, that I was withheld from requesting, in time, that no votes might be thrown away upon me; it being my fixed determination to return to the walks of private life. The next four years could be difficult; there are debates over the interpretation of the Constitution. Secretary of the Treasury
Alexander Hamilton, who helped create the National Bank and the National Mint, will continue to work with the President. Edmund Randolph will replace Thomas Jefferson as secretary of state.
PHILADELPHIA, 1794Western Pennsylvanians have started a violent opposition
to government taxes. They are launching the first major civil disturbance of President
Washington’s term in office. Last week, U.S. Marshal David Lenox was trying
to collect taxes on locally distilled liquor in Westmoreland County. Military
action will be taken, much to the regret of the President: “I have accordingly
determined to do so, feeling the deepest regret for the occasion, but withal,
the most solemn conviction, that the essential interests of the Union demand it.”
The army is being organized from other northern states and they will advance into
Pennsylvania shortly.