

National Portrait Gallery
Marc Pachter, Director, National Portrait Gallery
Carolyn Carr, Deputy Director, National Portrait Gallery
Patrick Madden, External Affairs Director
Michael Fox, Project Manager
Sarah Rogers, Project Assistant
Anne Christiansen, Public Affairs Specialist
Beverly Cox, Director of Exhibitions/Collections Management
Troy Lachance, Web Site Coordinator
Carol Wyrick, Education Program Director
Additional National Portrait Gallery Staff Contributors
Leni Buff, Education Program Manager
Margaret Christman, Research Historian
Dru Dowdy, Publications Officer
Molly Grimsley, Associate Registrar, Exhibitions
Marianne Gurley, Photographer
Tia Powell Harris, Outreach Program Manager
Sid Hart, Historian
Ellen G. Miles, Curator of Painting and Sculpture
Cindy Lou Molnar, Senior Conservator
Heather Moore, Exhibitions and Collections Management Intern
Felice Pulles, Exhibition Tour Outreach Program Manager
Deb Sisum, NPG Webmaster
Kristin Smith, Collections Assistant
Linda Thrift, Administrator, Center for Electronic Research & Outreach Services
Fred Voss, Senior Historian
Web Site Design and Production
Second Story Interactive Studios
Brad Johnson, Creative Director
Julie Beeler, Studio Director
Aleen Adams, Producer
Tom Allen, Writer
Gabe Kean, Designer
Seb Chevrel, Programmer
Sam Ward, Design Technologist
Martin Linde, Animator, Production Artist
David Waingarten, Production Assistant
Teacher Resource Guide
Susan Silverstein Scott, Author
The National Portrait Gallery thanks the following members of our National Grassroots Educator Advisory Board for reviewing the Teacher Resource Guide:
William E. Amburn, Sandranel Bahan, Peder C. C. Butenhoff, Kelly S. Curtright, Susan J. Gabbard, Linda Guiffreda-Baker, Bretta Noble Gunther, Kathy Hanson, Lynnette Jordan, Richard H. Killgore, Lana J. Mahoney, John F. Mueller, Denise North, Amy Oxley, Susan Turner Purvis, Anthony Quarles, Timothy Rose, Candy Schneider, Deborah Schwartz, Alice W. Schwarz, Barb Schwarz, Lonni Skrentner, Derek Treichelt, Clyde Etta Tyler, Don L. Warren, and Rebecca Whitfield.