


George Washington by John Rogers after C.W. Peale, engraving, ca. 1860
Library of Congress
Adler, David A. A Picture Book of George Washington. New York: Holiday House, 1989.
A short illustrated biography accompanied by an audio book for elementary level students.
DAulaire, Ingri, and Edgar Parin DAulaire. George Washington. New York: Doubleday, 1936.
Simple, illustrated biography that highlights major events in Washingtons life.
Fontes, Ron. George Washington: Solider, Hero, President. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2001.
Biography of Washington that discusses his childhood and life as a farmer, statesman, general, and President.
Giblin, James. George Washington: A Picture Book Biography. New York: Scholastic, 1992.
An illustrated biography that highlights Washingtons family life and career. The book also includes information on myths, legends, and monuments to him.
Gross, Ruth Belov. If You Grew Up with George Washington. New York: Scholastic, 1992.
A description of what it was like to grow up in the times of George Washington.
Harness, Cheryl. George Washington. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1999.
Illustrated biography that covers Washingtons childhood, life as a farmer, participation in the American Revolution, and role as the first President.
Keller, Kristin Thoennes. George Washington. Minnesota: Bridgestone Books, 2002.
Illustrated biography that highlights important events in Washingtons life; includes maps, timeline, glossary, and recommended print and Internet sources.
Santella, Andrew. George Washington. Minnesota: Compass Point Books, 2002.
Brief illustrated biography that covers major events in Washingtons life; includes important dates and glossary.
Welsbacher, Anne. George Washington. Minnesota: ABDO Publishing Company, 1998.
Brief illustrated biography that also includes charts, glossary, and recommended Internet sites.

Collection of books owned by Washington, including The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote
Mount Vernon Ladies Association
Falkof, Lucille. George Washington: 1st President of the United States. Oklahoma: Garrett Educational Corporation, 1989.
Biography of Washingtons life from his childhood through his death; includes an annotated bibliography.
Ferrie, Richard. The World Turned Upside Down: George Washington and the Battle of Yorktown. New York: Holiday House, 1999.
A look at George Washingtons role in the Battle of Yorktown, which led to the defeat of the British during the American Revolution.
Foster, Genevieve, and Joanna Foster. George Washingtons World. Massachusetts: Beautiful Feet Books, 1997.
Illustrated look at the life and times of George Washington that includes period information on women, Native Americans, and African Americans.
Kallen, Stuart A. George Washington. Minnesota: ABDO Publishing Company, 2001.
Illustrated biography that looks at major events in Washingtons life; includes timeline, recommended Internet sites, and a glossary.
Marrin, Albert. George Washington and the Founding of a Nation. New York: Dutton Childrens Books, 2001.
A richly illustrated biography that focuses on Washingtons military career, but also includes information on most aspects of his life, politics, and views on slavery.
Old, Wendie C. George Washington. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow Publishers, 1997.
A general biography.
Rosenburg, John M. First in Peace: George Washington, the Constitution and the Presidency. Connecticut: Millbrook Press, 1998.
A biography that highlights Washingtons life, and career from his involvement in the Constitutional Convention through his death in 1799; primary source material from Washingtons journals and other writings are included.
Sims, Camelia, and Laura Gore. George Washington: A Timeless Hero. Los Angeles: ZANA International, 2000.
Straightforward biography that traces major events in Washingtons life and explores issues of character and religious beliefs.

Songbook owned by Martha Washington
Mount Vernon Ladies Association
Brookhiser, Richard. Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington. New York: Free Press, 1996.
Flexner, James Thomas. Washington: The Indispensable Man. Boston: Little Brown, 1969.
A sweeping four-volume treatment of Washingtons life.
Freeman, Douglas Southall. George Washington. New York: Scribners, 1949-1957.
A comprehensive six-volume biography.
Garrett, Wendell. George Washingtons Mount Vernon. The Monacelli Press, 1998.
Ketchum, Richard M. The World of George Washington. New York: American Heritage Publishing Company, Inc., 1974
Kinnaird, Clark. George Washington: The Pictorial Biography. New York: Hastings House Publishers, Inc., 1967.
Miles, Ellen G. George and Martha Washington; Portraits from the Presidential Years. Washington D. C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1999.
Rasmussen, William M. S. and Robert S. Tilton. George Washington: The Man Behind the Myths. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1999.
Rhodehamel, John. The Great Experiment: George Washington and the American Republic. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
Smith, Richard Norton. Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1993.
Washington, George. Writings. Edited by John Rhodehamel. New York: Library of America, 1997.
Wick, Wendy C. George Washington: An American Icon; The Eighteenth Century Graphic Portraits. Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1982.
George Washington. Cobblestone: The History Magazine for Young People 13, no. 4 (April 1992).
Issue devoted to articles about George Washington as a farmer, soldier, President, and owner of slaves.
Slavery at Mount Vernon. Footsteps: African American History 2, no. 5 (November-December 2000).
Articles related to the slaves who worked at Washingtons home, Washingtons changing views on slavery, and current archaeological projects.