

Explore these interactive activities to learn more about the first president.
Tile Game Unscramble tiles to reveal historical messages. |
Portrait Puzzler Match portraits of George Washington’s famous contemporaries with their deeds. |
CROSS-ing the Delaware Fill in a crossword puzzle with facts about George Washington’s life and times. |
Wheres George? Search for well-known colonial places and personalities in this word search. |

We challenge you to Pledge It Forwardpledge time to your schools, youth organizations, senior centers. Pick a project, pledge your time, and make a difference. Then send us your pledges and write to us about your ongoing projects. We will feature selected stories on our Web site. Please write to us at the following address:
Briana Zavadil White
Smithsonian Institution
PO Box 37012
Victor Building, 4100, MRC 973
Washington, DC 20013-7012

The Patriot Papers, published by the Office of Education at the
National Portrait Gallery, followed the George Washington: A National Treasure
exhibition as it toured the country. With each new venue, The Patriot Papers
published a new issue of stories inspired by the life and leadership qualities
of George Washington.
 Highlights from The Patriot Papers:
A Blast From the Past. Step back in time and read the daily news. Stories highlight major events in Washington's life. Original 18th century advertisements.
Not Our Finest Hour. Authentic ads and telling anecdotes call into question the institution of slavery. A young soldier's diary (high school only) chronicles the horrors of war.
Death Be Not Proud. What did George die from? What were his teeth really made of? What is epiglottitis? Find out on the medical page.
Trippin’ Through Time. Follow the adventures of Faith, an old-fashioned 18th century girl, as she explores everything from 21st century shopping malls to health spas. A new episode each issue. Also featured: Girl trouble? Guy trouble? Too much homework? Ask Miss Goody18th century answers for every occasion.
The Pudding Papers. the nearly news, a collection of intimate historical glimpses into the past captured in not-so-living color by trusted correspondents Prudence Pudding, Titus Blunt, and Silas Silvertongue. Gossip? Perhaps.

The Patriot Papers